F3 Knoxville

[f3knoxvillemain] King Builder (Convergence)

Asylum AM
AO: f3knoxvillemain
Q: Tinker Bell-GTE Trainer (STL) , Motorboat (Indianapolis)
PAX: Blindside, Waxjob, Shuttlecock (Riley Brady Parmer), Rep Sleepy, Commission, P3, Z-Pack, Steam, skewer, Spellcheck, Single (Ryan Chambers), Brick, Tenderfoot, slappy, Gmail, Borg, The Situation, Maxime – Pittsburgh, Nubbins (F3 Muletown), Kodak (Joe Beach), Uncle Rico (Naperville), FixerUpper, Lizzy, CRISPR, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Tropicana, Charmin (John Willis), Pac-man, Stitch, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), OnStar, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Duggar, Choir Boy, Betty, Voodoo, Smoked Pickle, Grandslam, Einstein, Lilydipper, Pusher, Guppy, Guardrail, Median, Mermaid, KickFlip, Cheatsheet, Utah, Toretto, Honeydew, Tonka, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Eliza, Ribbed, I-Beam, Mathlete, Cart Girl (John Sadler) (Chatt, TN), Swanson, Abort (Jeremy Loftis), Dumpster Dive, Anchorman, Humper ( Sam Hartness ), David Wood, Bones, Rooter, scratch & win, full moon,, Ike
FNGs: 1 Ike
Q: Tinker Bell Bones Motorboat
Warm Up: Mosey to the base of Picket’s Charge
Thang 1:
Get Right-Fatigue makes a coward of us all
-Bones led a series of up and down the hill with Bomb Jacks, Burpees, Monkey Humpers
-Live Right-When in charge, take charge
-Motorboat led standard F3 exercises IC emphasizing staying together as a team and the importance of cadence
-Lead Right-Leaders build leaders
-Tinker Bell led 4 corners with exercises of No cheat merkins, no surrenders, and get ups. Guppie was tasked and taught to lead the group in SSH and 6ct burpee IC
-AAR process
-Leave Right-Virtuous leaders work themselves out of job
-Guppie taught Pusher to lead SSH and Burpees IC
-AAR process

Mosey back to flags

The COT was the Nant’an change from Kickflip to Mermaid.